There are different levels of membership in the Association.
Full members are the founders of the Association.
Full time members of the Association can only be individuals with appropriate qualifications:
degree in kinesiology (physical education) with additional professional qualification to work in the field of basic kinesiological transformation - Physical preparation of athletes,
degree in kinesiology (physical education) with additional professional qualification
graduated sports coaches in physical training of athletes
graduated sports coaches of fitness who enrolled in Kinesiology program by the ending of the academic year 2001/2002
Associate members of the association can be individuals:
who do not have adequate professional qualifications (pre-defined), but have worked as fitness coaches for at least five years and have achieved significant results (primarily international success) and have the recommendation from at least three founders of the Association
Students from Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb
Students from the Coach Education department, Social College in Zagreb (Physical Conditioning of Athletes)
Associate members’ status lasts up to five years. During this period the person must acquire the conditions for regular membership. Otherwise, the right for membership in the Association will be lost.