14th International Scientific Conference Physical Conditioning of Athletes 2016

Croatian Association of Strength and Conditioning coaches
University of Zagreb
National Strength and Conditioning Association


have an honour to invite You to the annual 14th conference

Physical Conditioning of Athletes 2016

Dear sports lovers,

we are inviting you to come to Faculty of Kinesiology Univesity of Zagreb, this time on the occasion of the 14th International Conference „PHYSICAL CONDITIONING OF ATHLETES 2016“. This year, it is our wish to present the experiences and knowledge in work with athletes to foreign and Croatian conditioning and sports coaches and other specialists and scientists in this area: Gregory Haff, Steve Fleck, Francesco Cuzzolin, Julio Calleja, Damir Erceg, Marko Stojanović, Damir Sekulić, Eldin Jelešković, Mirjana Turkalj, Mario Tomljanović, Pero Kuterovac, Boris Balent, Asim Bradić, Martina Mavrin Jeličić, Mladen Mihajlović, Igor Blažinčić and Mirela Anić.

The Conference Proceedings and a CD with materials presented by lecturers will be published as a written record of this Conference.

As part of this year’s Conference will be held National Training Session: “Strengthening Coaching with the Objective to Raise Equality” - SCORE, within the ERASMUS+ sport program and in partnership with Croatian Olympic Committee.

The Conference Physical Conditioning of Athletes is intended for:

  • physical conditioning coaches
  • sports coaches
  • sports doctors and physical therapists
  • those having succesfully completed graduate and postgraduate studies in kinesiology
  • students at the Faculty of Kinesiology,
  • University of Zagreb
  • other specialists in sports

Invitation For Conference »  14th International Scientific Conference Physical Conditioning of Athletes.

Final due for the upload : 15.01.2016

Dear visitor,
to apply for the conference you need to sign up. After registration and confirmation of your membership log in and select some of the available options..

Venue: Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb at the big sports gym (1st day) and Football Academy (Croatian National Football Federation) at the sport center Sava-sport Sesvete (2nd day)

Location: Horvaćanski zavoj 15, Zagreb, Croatia

Time: February 26th and 27th, 2016

Beginning of the conference: 26.02.2016 at 9,00

Log inSign up

Dear visitor,
to apply for the conference you need to sign up. After registration and confirmation of your membership log in and select some of the available options..

Registration at the venue
Sudjelovanje na konferenciji 400.00Kn
Autorska kotizacija 400.00Kn
Studenti 200.00Kn
Članovi UKTH 0.00Kn